£20k towards sustainability
We were recently awarded £20,000 from Theatres Trust, in partnership with the Wolfson Foundation, to help us on the path to sustainability.
We are now able to significantly improve our efficiency and environmental footprint by upgrading all stage lighting at Theatre Royal Winchester. The work will also include replacing 147 existing light fittings and bulbs with new LED lights (with integral PIR detectors) across our dressing rooms, offices, toilets, stairs, lobbies and corridors, under stage areas and our orchestra pit.
"We’re very grateful to Theatres Trust for awarding us these funds. We [Play to the Crowd] are striving to be as sustainable as we can be and we wouldn’t be able to take steps like this on our own due to the initial costs."
Our existing bulbs are currently 28w and the replacements will be 15w. We will also be changing the majority of fittings to include Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors, which will further increase efficiency. The predicted savings in KWh assuming 8 hour usage (but reduced by 50% for PIR dormancy) is 26.484 a day. This equates to an approximate yearly saving of £3,000 (depending on electricity tariffs).
These savings will have a significant impact across the organisation both financially and environmentally.
"There is a real appetite amongst theatres to make environmental improvements to their building and Theatres Trust is delighted to be able to support Theatre Royal Winchester with its comprehensive LED replacement project that will help it on its journey to be more sustainable."